Oh, Darling! Let’s talk skincare!

Let me start by saying, I absolutely do not enjoy doing my makeup. My level of effort could be described as doing just enough to not scare away other humans should they come within a 10 foot radius. Despite more than a decade of practice, I struggle with the execution. Thankfully for my patience and this brief moment of quarantine, I’ve gone cold turkey and I am here for ittttt. 

My skincare regimen though? It’s on a poppin, and my skin is loving all this extra breathing room! Dare I say I have a Benjamin Button situation happening? Could it be, am I actually aging in reverse? 


I will fully credit my success to the exclusive use of a Dallas based skincare brand, Colleen Rothschild. Everything in her line has worked wonders for what used to be my sensitive, uneven skin tone, painfully dry face. 

Initially, I was hesitant to commit. Every blogger and their mother was talking about Tula - could  it really be as good as they say!? Short answer? Ehh, Tula is not for me. I opted to start with Colleen’s Discovery Kit, and within the first few days I was hooked. After two beautiful years together, I will blindly follow this woman wherever she leads me.

The best part of the Discovery Kit, is that it includes samples of all Colleen’s best-sellers so you get to try all the good stuff. Here’s a breakdown of what’s included:

After my wild success with these guys, I’ve added a few extra steps to my routine and it has made the world of difference in my complexion and hydration. Here’s how I use everything:

Morning: radiant cleansing balm, matcha tea treatment toner, glycolic acid peel pads (2-3x per week), vitamin C treatment complex, sheer renewal cream
Night - For a better value, I buy the PM Routine, which includes the radiant cleansing balm, extreme recovery cream, face oil no.9 plus Retinol Supreme Eye Serum 
Weekly - Clarifying Detox Mask 

Honorable mentions that aren’t my beloved Colleen: 

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Did I ever think I’d have a 16 step skincare regimen? Absolutely not, but I will say - it’s working! If you’re interested in hopping on the Colleen train with me, I will happily welcome you with open arms! Colleen regularly has sales, and big discounts usually coincide with holidays. If you opt to buy but there’s not a discount code, wait a week and something will likely pop up. This week, she’s offering 25% off with code “Fam25”! We don’t pay full price for anything around here, so you stick with me friend!

Happy Shopping!

Yours Truly,


DIY No Sew Curtains


Travel Diaries: Puerto Vallarta