DIY Flag Stand


My grandmother Frankie, or Mimi if you will, had this hysterical porcelain goose that stood watch near her front door. It sat on the floor near a bench where she’d stop to put on her shoes, and it had a wardrobe full of interchangeable outfits kept on hangers in the coat closet nearby. A raincoat to be prepared for inclement weather, a sundress for the summer months, and the always popular turkey costume for Thanksgiving. I can still hear her laughing about that ridiculous outfit. Much like my Mimi, I also have an obsession with front door accessories - but mine are flower bed flags. *cue Dr. Sheldon Cooper presents: fun with flags* haha


If you’ve been following along, you might have seen our DIY plant stand. Good news, it’s time for another super easy afternoon project! If you know anything about flower bed flag stands, they are quite flimsy and it can be a real challenge to get those bad boys in the ground. Our flowerbeds are primarily rock, so there’s not a chance that mine will get in the ground far enough and not fall over with the slightest gust of wind. But don’t you worry, Mr. Fix-it has a solution: our ever popular, completely over-engineered, black iron pipe! 

Similar to our DIY plant stand, this plant stand is one of the easiest things to create!

As a refresher, we prefer to use black iron pipe because it is slightly cheaper than the galvanized option, but both will work! Typically it is covered in a black coating that can easily be removed with a quick acetone wipe down (cloth or steep wool works best) to remove manufacturer barcodes and labels. Do this step before you start assembling! 

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1 - 48” black iron pipe (3/4” diameter)

  • 1 - 10” double threaded black iron pipe (1/2” diameter)

  • 1 - 90 degree reducing elbow (3/4” to 1/2”)

  • 1 - end cap 

  • Acetone 

  • Spray paint

  • Quick Set Concrete

First start by spray painting the pipe. While the paint is drying, dig a hole in the ground for your base. Caleb dug a hole about 18-20” deep, and poured quick set concrete to ensure that bad boy wasn’t going anywhere. Once the concrete has fully set, attach the 90 degree elbow, and 10” pipe. Add your flag, and secure the end cap. 

Tadaaa! Look at you go!


More projects coming soon!

Yours Truly,


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